{“detail”:[{“order”:1009,”description”:”Ошибка Записи Данных В БД”}]}

{“detail”:[{“order”:1009,”description”:”Ошибка Записи Данных В БД”}]} Content {“detail”:[{“order”:1009,”description”:”Ошибка Записи Данных В БД”}]} {“detail”:[{“order”:1009,”description”:”Ошибка Записи Данных В БД”}]} {“detail”:[{“order”:1009,”description”:”Ошибка Записи Данных В […]


You worry and your heart is troubled all day long; Has these help you get the problem solved?

You worked 24/7 non-stop with no time for spiritual engagement and exercise; Do you now have all you will ever need to finish your life race?

You despair and you refuse to embrace any speck of hope; Has this make you feel any better to live for another day?


Have you found yourself many at times wondering: Is God involve in this I am doing? Do I have God’s backing in this pursuit I embarked on? And have you been left uncertain and confused, especially when how you thought the matter will be is not how it seems to be unfolding?