Life is not a competition; calm down my friend! 

Perhaps you’re looking at a friend on the fast lane of prosperity. Relax, pay your own dues, stay focus and continue on your ‘diligent’ pace. At the end, you will prosper bountifully, if you faint not – it is just a matter of time. 

God has given everyman according to his or her ability. What you do with what you’re given, determines your prosperity. [Matthew 25:15-29]

Your colleagues/friends won’t finish the riches on the earth. Moreover, there is no ‘first-position’ in the prosperity race because the profit of the earth is for all: the king himself is served by the field.[Ecclesiastes 5:9 KJV]

Please be aware that your friends’ life examinations are different from yours. Don’t answer yours using their exact solutions. 

And their life journey is different from yours, use your own map so you don’t hit an abrupt road block.

That route that you flying at the moment may be rough & full of turbulence; maybe it wasn’t designed for flight, but to be walked. Have you asked yourself?

It may appear the route to your destination is far, and it is taking too long to arrive there; perhaps Your Creator had booked your flight for your early arrival, but you have chosen to walk with friends going similar route. Hmmm…

Be it as it may, Beloved, always remember you are to diligently focus on running your own race, at your own pace, because at the end the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. [Ecclesiastes 9:11].

Please take life easy this year, enjoy every daily bit of it, let God be foremost in all your endeavors and you will finish strong.


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