• Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    11 months, 3 weeks ago

    John opened his LinkedIn page and saw his secondary school friend Chike new job profile as the Finance Manager of a top Multinational Company in Lagos. He closed his page devasted as he couldn’t match the rapid career progress of Chike to his.

    Funmi checked her FB page and saw her friend who had a glamorous wedding 10 months ago now displaying her picture with her husband with their new baby. Funmi couldn’t help but cringe in devastation as she is still struggling at 33 to have a stable relationship.

    I have come to see many people measure up their life’s progress in comparism with other people especially on social medias, this has led so many on the path of destruction as they had to venture into destructive things to make-up and shore up their inadequacies and “have-nots”.

    This may be your case as well. Seeing your classmate career and life’s profile as intimidating to your simple progress. You need to realise that life isn’t designed for competition, and by the way only the living can have hope and you are one. Many people out there will give up anything to have something close to your singleness, your job, your life and that your “not-good enough”.

    Friend, strengthen your feeble legs, wipe off the tears. Appreciate the seeming little progress, surely you are not where you used to be! Create time to celebrate your small blessings and progress as you work to get better on your way to your testimonies.

    The Goodnews is that your seeming sad story is simply a masterpiece in progress. Your own set time is just somewhere around the corner and your celebration is about to hit its fullness of time.

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