• Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    11 months ago

    I CAN ONLY IMAGINE: A day of unprecedented celebration is in view – something that has never occurred in the history of mankind. The guest of honour will be the Groom wearing a seamless robe, with eyes like flames of fire, and with feet like brass. He will be majestic and glorious on arrival, I will be the Bride, decked in Celestial body, dressed in Royal apparel. Oh! My brain cannot fathom the glory of the day. It’s the hope of the ages that burns within my heart.
    On that glorious resurrection morning, I will be warmly reunited with my Dad, Elder P.A Shokunbi, I’m sure he’ll have a lot to tell me….that excitement is thrilling enough! Apostle Paul had better brace up for my questions; Oh! I will also see that Grace-found criminal that was crucified to the right-side of Jesus; then I long to see my friend – Kayode Joel, then I will understand in full why God didn’t save him in a split of seconds from the 2014 Nyanya bomb blast.
    Everyone who died in Christ will be singing the triumphant song of Halelluyah, eternally re-united to their Saviour and loved ones……Hey friend, hope I will see you there?

    • A humble reminder of our temporary stay here on earth and also how we will spend our eternity. Dear Lord keep us on the path of righteousness and help us to finish well to reign with you in eternity. Amen!
