Emmanuel Philip posted an update
8 months agoIn the spiritual battlefield of our souls, two masters vie for dominance: the master of self, also known as the ‘prince of this world’ (John 12:31), and the master of Truth, our Father God. The master of self wields weapons of darkness, including passion, pride, avarice, vanity, and self-will (Galatians 5:19-21). In contrast, the master of Truth uses instruments of Light, such as gentleness, patience, purity, sacrifice, humility, and love (Galatians 5:22-23).”This inner battle rages in every soul, and as Jesus taught, ‘No one can serve two masters’ (Matthew 6:24). We must choose which master to follow. We cannot simultaneously serve God and our own selfish desires (Luke 16:13). To behold the beauty of Truth, we must gaze through the eyes of faith, surrendering our selves to worship the Truth with the sacrifice of our own desires and will (Romans 12:1-2).”Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the embodied Truth, who declared, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life’ (John 14:6). May we choose to serve the master of Truth, our Father God, and walk in the Light of His love and guidance.”