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  • Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    7 months, 1 week ago

    THOUGHT: God could sometimes delay intervention in our pressing cases just to allow more audience to view his power in display and bring us to greater Glory. Remember, d spirit of God only came on Samson to break d rope when he had more than 1,000 philistines around to kill with d jawbone of a donkey(Judges 15:13-15)….He waited all the way till…[Read more]

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  • Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    7 months, 1 week ago

    THOUGHT: God’s eternal promises usually come at man’s lowest point of faith. Abram was promised the future when he was stricken in age without a child; David was carrying the covenant of the throne while running for his dear life in the wilderness……….Friend, no matter how low and bad your condition is today, let the infallible integrity of…[Read more]

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  • IwaYemi posted an update

    7 months, 2 weeks ago

    The manner of death is not as important to God; John was beheaded, Stephen was stoned to death, Elisha died of an ailment, Christ died a shameful death of crucifixion.What is important to God is the difference between dying and perishing: dying to spend eternity in Heaven or perising eternally in Hell.  Ponder on this!

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  • Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    7 months, 2 weeks ago

    This hymn keeps ringing in my heart:

    1 My soul is so happy in Jesus,
    For He is so precious to me;
    His voice it is music to hear it,
    His face it is heaven to see.

    I am happy in Him,
    I am happy in Him;
    My soul with delight
    He fills day and night,
    For I am happy in Him.

    2 He sought me so long ere I knew…[Read more]

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  • Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    7 months, 2 weeks ago

    God does not just have a perfect plan, but more important is that he has a perfect timing to execute the perfect plan.
    You will arise and have compassion on Zion;
    For it is time to be gracious to her,
    For the appointed time has come. Ps 102:13

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  • IwaYemi posted an update

    7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Proverbs 18:22 KJVWhoso findeth A WIFE  findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.[Capitalized emphasis is mine]He that finds A WIFE, not he that finds HIS WIFE. Ponder on this!

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  • Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    8 months ago

    The farther I distance myself from the Good Shepherd, the closer and more accessible I become to the enemy of my soul.

    The lesser I spend time with His word and prayer, the more easier it’s for the accuser of the brethren to pollute my heart and spirit.

    Lord, help me to keep close….

    • Keep me deeper; deeper in love with you, Jesus hold me close in Your embrace. Keep me deeper Lord

  • IwaYemi posted an update

    8 months, 2 weeks ago

    ALI spent his free time watching pornographyand wonders why he fell easily when KIM tempted him:The reason is not far fetched. It’s because what you feed your eyes on will become a ‘seed’ in the soil of your heart soon to germinate into action; and it is what you permit that take dominance over you.This year please GUARD YOUR HEART with all diligen…[Read more]

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  • Titus Adeolu posted an update

    8 months, 2 weeks ago

    There are levels of worship unto God, there is the level of singing from the depth of your soul. However , the highest level of worship is completely obeying God at all times even when it is not convenient. …

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  • Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    8 months, 2 weeks ago

    AND JUST LIKE THAT: A month just passed!!! This signifies that our Saviour’s return has just been reduced by 31 days!
    31 days gone, and you’re yet to tell someone- at least one person about Jesus.
    Hmm! What should I call you?

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  • Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    8 months, 2 weeks ago

    When I gave my life to Jesus, it was painted as if rapture will happen the next day, but many years have gone, and here we are, still waiting!

    However the truth in this is “The day of Rapture has been reduced by those number of years”
    ….In the twinkling of an eye.. 1Cor 15:52.

    Get ready!

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  • Titus Adeolu posted an update

    8 months, 2 weeks ago

    Finally, my dear friends, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble for me, and it is a safeguard for you. Philippians 3:1This I also say again, be careful of what and who you are following.…[Read more]

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  • Titus Adeolu posted an update

    8 months, 2 weeks ago

    So ignore them. They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person guides another, they will both fall into a pit.” Matthew 15:14Be careful of what and who is driving you.

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  • Titus Adeolu posted an update

    8 months, 2 weeks ago

    The Spirit of Christ is the spirit of Sanctification.Sanctification starts from your spiritman, it is the purifying within that manifest on the outside. You cannot force a man to behave like a Christian. Therefore, you must have the spirit of Christ to live a successful christian life.

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  • IwaYemi posted an update

    8 months, 2 weeks ago

    Delayed gratification, in this age and social media infested generation is now difficult to come by. Every one wants to be recognized and praised immediately for any help rendered… but it is not suppose to be so: For whatsoever is birth of love does not boast nor show-boats…1 Corinthians 13:4…

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  • Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    8 months, 3 weeks ago

    It’s eternally dangerous to confine Jesus to a stranger that your Pastor tries to dymystefy to you every sunday.
    Experience him Yourself!

  • Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    9 months ago

    If your need to receive is higher than that of giving, you will make a mess of any ministry, career or relationship.

    If you intend to give after you’re well fed, you’ll never give till you die. We give, not because we are full and have no need, but we give because we have learnt and believe it is a lifestyle of the Kingdom we belong.

    “I have…[Read more]

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  • IwaYemi posted an update

    9 months, 1 week ago

    For God to care and watch over the Sparrow,should make you understand better my friend, that He cares and watches over you; yes you whom He created in His own Image and likeness..

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  • Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    9 months, 2 weeks ago

    The world may offer you fleeting benefits for living for self, but choose the eternal benefits of God by living for Him and humanity prosperously. It’s time for your life to show how life ought to be lived here on earth as it’s in heaven. Show that like God, you can be Prosperous and deeply spiritual.

    Welcome to 2024, May you find rest in His…[Read more]

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