Many a times I have prayed with my understanding and I prayed amiss [I don’t know if you have]. I have desired, claimed and confessed a lot of ‘goodies’ but I only received the ‘good’.
I have been humbled and it has helped me to know that prayer is meant to be in alignment with the will of the LORD for it to avail the best the Father has in stock for His children.
Having said, I therefore pray for you [Dear Beloved] and for myself in this month & always:
May it be the will of the Father that prevails over your will and desires
May it be the counsel of the Lord that stands over your plans and purposes.
May it be your love for God that drives your motive and actions
May it be your zeal for God that guards your dreams and thought
May it be the day you set to plow that the fiery storm will choose to bow.
May it be the hour you choose to sail that the Tempest will peace be still.
May it be your season of rejoicing that turn many to righteousness.
May it be said of you a servant and devout of the King of kings
May it be lifting up for you when men says there is casting down
May it be joy unspeakable for you when many sorrows pierce the heart of men
May it be peace like a river unto you and your family in your stormy sail across the sea of life
May it be the gentle breeze of God’s breath that comforts you all through your season of night
May it be daylight for you even in the darkest hours of silent nights
May it be in your highest moment for the Lord the Prince of this world will seek to find blemish in you
May it be your hours of God’s mercy that your enemy will table their allegations against you
May it be your day of honor your accusers will be heavy laden to be summoned
May it be the Lord’s Kingdom come for you over the world’s kingdom song
And may it be to unto you according to your faith in Jesus Christ name! AMEN.