• Matthew Shokunbi posted an update

    10 months, 4 weeks ago

    Many people have provided theories to explain the workings of Grace and the Law. However, a simplified one I have come to use is that provided by Bro Gbile in one of his teachings: “Many years ago the Federal Government of Nigeria through the CBN authorized the use of Pounds and Shillings as the Nation’s legal tender. However, on January 1 1973, the same CBN changed the legal tender to Naira and Kobo, and the use of Pounds was stopped. Note that it was the same Government, but different currency in 2 different periods. The introduction of the Naira renders the Pounds invalid. However, many people especially the old people never get used to the new currency but were still counting money using the old currency”

    Now here is it, God in the old dispensation came up with Laws and commandments through Moses, its inauguration was celebrated by the Shekinah glory, it was ushered in by mountain quakes. Booming thunder and bolts of lightning accompany Moses as he descends the cloud-covered Mount Sinai, bearing aloft two heavy tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments. Then years after, the same God of the Laws declared that dispensation over and introduced a man whose currency is not in the written codes of do’s and don’ts. His own currency is Grace and Truth (John 1:14).

    Here is why many of us have a problem with the workings of Grace because we are used to counting our achievements in the currency of the laws and prophets. Any time God wants to advance us in this dispensation of Grace, we insist that it should be interpreted in the currency of the law – our strength, abilities, connections, qualifications. One of the things that will make one lose grace, apart from its misuse, is addiction to the law.

    Never to forget, Grace is not a reduction of the law; to come under Grace does not mean to become lawless, nor is it a license to continue in sin. As I noted in my book “the strength of failure” Grace is empowerment not to focus on the works of sin, but to realise and live in the reality of a triumphant Christian. It was a discovery of Grace that made the difference in the life of the Saul turned Paul, he was accustomed to laws and the prophet, but when he met Grace on his way to Damascus, Grace nullified his wrong past and made the rest of his life an enviable one. Grace rechanneled his zeal and passion to the right cause.

    The efficacy of grace is revealed in Apostle Paul’s confession:

    But by the grace of God I am what I am and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain, I LABOURED more abundantly than all, YET NOT I, BUT THE GRACE OF GOD WHICH WAS ON ME.
    1 Cor. 15:10 (self-emphasis)


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    1 Comment
    • We are all product of grace and God’s grace is not found outside God’s will..
